March 19, 2015

Cusco, Peru

Coca Té
Coca tea is everywhere in Peru. Basically, it's low level cocaine. I don’t know, I’d had too much before they started explaining to me what it was. Jokes! 

The Tamale Lady
This lady is the best. She and another lady are out here from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. everyday! One day I legit had 5 (they’re small and I spread them out). 

San Pedro Market
One thing I never got sick of was Peruvian markets.

We came to these juice ladies for breakfast. I would have taken a picture of my juice but I drank it so fast I couldn’t. So, here’s a half glass of Kylee’s juice.

Cuy (Chichewa for guinea pig) is a traditional Peruvian dish. Yes, I did try it. No, I did not order it because I don’t like my meals to have faces.

Coca tea leaves

Jack’s is an awesome American place in Cusco. My huevos rancheros was a saving grace. Just for kicks and giggles here’s a picture of me after seeing guacamole for the first time in 2 months. This was not my initial reaction, this was after wiping a few tears from my eyes and pulling myself together. On the list of things I missed most it goes: my family, guacamole, and then a washer and dryer. 

If you’re thinking about going to Peru, do it. If you’re going to Peru, call me. Machu Picchu is shut up amaze balls (see pics here) and Peru is the bomb.

I’ll be back to normal posts soon.

Much love,


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