November 29, 2014

Frozen PB&J's

I have three main problems as a college student. In no particular order they are as follows:

1. My bread goes moldy before I can eat the whole loaf
2. I have no money
3. I don't have time to pack a lunch in the mornings

It's a vicious cycle.  I have no money so I buy bread for PB&J's to pack my lunches.  But, since I want to get as much sleep as possible I wake up an average of 10 minutes later than I probably shouldleaving me no time to make a sandwich.  As a result, around noon I'm so hungry it feels like my stomach is eating itself and I am forced to buy myself lunch on campus (which is an average of $3 more than it probably should be).  After a couple days of buying lunch on campus my mind starts playing games with me.  Kayla, it says, you just worked for 3 hours and that still doesn't cover what you've spent on lunch this week.  So, like an adult, I decide I'm going to start bringing lunch with me from home.  I then proceed to open up my pantry and find a moldy, lonely 1/2 loaf of bread.  I throw it away with tears in my eyes and the cycle repeats.

In an attempt to solve my dilema, last year I bought a box of frozen Smucker's Uncrustables from Costco.  They were my saving grace on my 9 to 5 days.  But, as college made me smarter I turned away from anything with words like "enriched" or "high fructose" or "azodicarbonamide" listed in the ingredients.  Sadly, that was the last box of Uncrustables I ever bought.

After many sleepless nights pondering this issue, it hit me.  I'll make my own frozen PB&J's.

On Sunday, I make about five peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, double bag them, and pop 'um in the freezer. In the morning as I'm running out the door I grab one and throw it in my purse. By lunchtime it's thawed and ready to eat.

We have a pretty trusting relationship, right? I'm not going to lie and tell you this will be as good as a fresh PB&J.  It's won't be.  But it is good enough for me: a food pretentious, poor college student.  This just has really been a life changing experience for me, and I wanted to share the wealth (not actual wealth, I solved two problems but I'm still poor). 

Bonus idea: Try with meat and cheese sandwiches.  I thought about it, but sometimes I get snacky around 11 when my sandwich is still slightly frozen and I'd rather eat icy jam than icy ham.

Saving the world one mundane problem at a time,


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