September 2, 2014

Se Llama Peru - 3.7

First, let me address the name change. It’s just really hard to say Food Worth Thought. I’m not kidding, try it. When people asked what my blog name was it usually went like this,

“Food Worth Thought!”
“Food worth thought. Worth. Worth. WORth.”

I can’t do that anymore. Plus, it turns out I’m a little more sassy than I was anticipating when I started this. I needed a name with a tad more pizzaz and/or sarcasm.

So, the official title is "Eat Your Heart Out" and the new domain is and you can follow me on Instagram at @eatingisthebest. Side note: turns out domain names are hard to come by. Literally every form of is taken. When I’m famous I'll buy my own website domain.

But, eating is the best. So...

Food Worth Thought had a good run. But, what can I say? I’m evolving. I hope this doesn’t cause any of you turmoil. I'm still the same Kayla. Just a little bit cooler.

Eat your heart out, snitches.


Alright! Now to the good stuff!

I’m going to Peru in January for a 2 month humanitarian internship, and the thing I’m most excited about is the food. Like, yeah, Machu Picchu, but still food is up there. I’ve never actually had Peruvian food before, just heard rumors about it. So, I was excited to find some authentic Peruvian food right on Center in Provo!

I gave Se Llama Peru a 3.7 simply because I feel like if you’re not familiar with Peru you’re not going to choose here for lunch. But, if you are into Peruvian food it’s a 4.9 cause you should definitely go. They are Peru. That’s literally their name. The menu was mostly in spanish but it had pictures so all you have to do is point.

Like I said, I have not been to Peru, yet. So, I have no way of knowing if this is truly authentic. But, it wasn’t american. That’s where I’m coming from. I’d love to know what people who have a qualified Peruvian palate think of this place.

That being said, I really liked it. I have no idea what I ordered, but it was a bunch of fried seafood and yuca over a filet of fish, with like a chunky pico de gallo mix on top. I’m not usually into fried foods, especially fish because it takes out a lot of flavor, and to be honest I wouldn’t have ordered this if I had known what I was ordering. Ha ha I just saw the word yuca and I knew that I liked that so I just said “Give me that.” But, it wasn’t too heavy and the onions and tomatoes really balanced it out so I was able to really enjoy it!

SUCH a bad pic. I’m so sorry. If you squint it’s better.

My friends Kylee & Mickelle both ordered the Lomo Saltado, which is their most popular dish. I tried a bite of both of theirs and it was freaking good. It’s like meat stir-fry over fries served with a side of rice. Weird, but whatever it tastes good.

Chicken Lomo Saltado

Beef Lomo Saltado

The owner/chef is Peruvian and he came out to make sure everything tasted good. Really nice guy! We like each other on Facebook now lol. Like Se Llama Peru’s page here.

Do keep in mind that Peruvian food is not Mexican food. Don’t go in expecting that cause you’ll be confused. Peruvian food is also a smitch more pricey so beware! It’s not too bad though.

Let me know what you native Peruvians and/or Peru RM’s think about Se Llama Peru! Obviously it’s not as good as sitting in the Andes Mountains enjoying a home cooked peruvian meal. But, if you say it’s authentic I’ll make sure to go there a lot before I head off to Peru myself!


1 comment:

  1. Go try LaCaretta in Orem. It's yummy Peruvian food also :)
