January 18, 2016

3 Fun Restaurants to Take a Date in Provo

If there's one place in the world that should have a multitude of great date spots it's Provo, we all know that. Funny thing is there are a multitude of great date spots that go unnoticed, unloved. "Fun date ideas" is the most Googled phrase. All the while we sit in the same old restaurants—day after day. Do you like this girl? Do you want this guy to think you have good taste? Then it's time we learn to date better, Provo. And by date better I mean eat better, always.

Now I want you to find your eternal companion as asap as possible. So here's a list of fun date spots that are more interesting than Zupas:

El Gallo Giro

This is always my go to. El Gallo is a great little Mexican restaurant on University. Inside is very cantina chic and it smells AMAZING. But the best part is the patio with the garden lights. Girls love garden lights, it reminds them of weddings. 

Suggestions: Order something you can eat with a fork. Tacos or nachos are messy and when you eat with your hands you have to really invest into each bite. Stick with something like sopes or enchiladas. Get the horchata but, if the conversation seems good, don't drink too much until after you're done eating. That way the conversation can keep going after you're done without it being weird. Oh and if you order the guacamole they come to your table and make it! Super cute and HELLOOOOO guacamole. 

Hruska's Kolaches

If you take a date here they will be impressed. Everything's good, it's beautiful and the food tastes like heaven. Here's the catch: they're open from 6:30 until whenever they sell out around noon. So the time of this date sits somewhere between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. 

So here's your options: 
  1. Meet for breakfast. I actually did this here, it was v chill and no pressure. We both had to go somewhere kind of early that morning so we planned to meet there for about a half hour, great idea.
  2. Take a hike. Go on a fun morning hike but stop by Hruska's before and grab some kolaches to-go.
  3. Morning date chill. If by chance you find a girl who is going to be up and ready to date that early in the morning without complaining a little—A) wow—and take advantage of it. Go eat first (always eat first) then explore the stores next door! There's like 3 pawn shops, morning girl will love those pawn shops.
Fun date ideas in Provo

La Dolce Vita

The best part about La Dolce Vita for a date is that it's quiet. It's usually not very busy and it's a great place for conversation. So if you're not sure how the vibes will be, maybe steer clear. There's not a lot of distractions to disrupt silent pauses. However, this is a great second date spot. First dates should be quick, painless. If you're going to keep her longer than an hour she should be fed accordingly. First dates test vibes. If you already know the vibe situation, feel free to skip to step 2. Second dates, are for longer conversation. If she lets you in again, there's a possibility she's interested but she's still testing the waters. Take her here to really see if things are good. If you really click, this is a fast track to date #3 that actually means something. (Pure Kayla doctrine, I'm usually right but I'm not so prideful that I will deny the possibility of exceptions.) But order soup not salad, the soup is better and eating salad looks weird when you're talking.

Hopefully these will get you to at least date three, where you should be fine on your own. Just call me Hitch and I accept checks.

Good luck,



  1. Dolce Vita was/is our go-to nice Provo date! Can't beat it.

  2. The kolaches are so so delicious and any girl who isn't willing to be up early for good food obviously isn't worth your time.
